My JOURNey to Skin Love & How You Can Love Your Skin Too
“She got 99 problems but her skin ain’t one.”
by Unsplash
My Skin Journey
During my teen years, I suffered from some pretty harsh skin issues. I had cystic acne that in turn contributed to issues with my self-esteem. When I was that age I was never educated on how to really care for your skin, though unfortunately no matter how healthy you are or what you do those acne issues still strike many of us. Now, in my 30s, I am so grateful that my skin is actually better than it’s ever been. Through my struggles growing up with my body image and self-love, I found a passion for holistic health & ended up getting my Master’s Degree in this subject. Since then I have not only become very aware of what I put into my body but also what I put on my body. It is especially important to be aware of what goes on the face as it is our most delicate skin that we have and anything we put on it gets soaked into our bloodstream. Learning to eat whole foods that help my body from the inside out, combined with using products that don’t just cover up imperfections, but rather help my skin become even better has been a winning combination.
Daily Skin Care Routine
My daily skincare routine is really simple and minimal. I am a teacher and currently teaching from home, but I still like to look put together while looking natural at the same time. I use this same routine no matter what my day consists of. My typical routine consists of refreshing face wash, organic face serum, moisturizing cream, my newly discovered Journ color correctors that I CAN’T WAIT to brag more about, some bb cream or light foundation and lastly a little bit of mascara and eyebrow dusting. This may seem like somewhat of a long list but I truly get through this little routine in about 15 minutes. It leaves me feeling more awake, confident and natural. I am very careful with all products I choose as to make sure they don’t contain any harsh toxins or chemicals.
left - before, right - after Journ correctors
Color Correctors
I have tried many color correctors in the past, but to be honest, for a long time, I had given up on them. When I had that terrible acne that I told you about I would cake on everything I could to cover up those nasty bumps, now realizing that it didn’t make it look better and really all it did was cause my skin more harm.
Recently I was thrilled to discovery new kind of skin correctors by Journ. Not only am I obsessed with the idea behind the names of each corrector was inspired by the travels of the creator, but I am truly in love with these products. I have 3 color correctors that I have been using called Matcha, Alpenglow & Kauai. Not only are they color correctors made with natural ingredients, but they don’t just conceal, they help your skin heal overtime. Each having its own purpose and ingredients that help with different skin issues.
Matcha – this beautifully green-colored corrector helps reduce redness with its color along with helping to control the sebum oil that we get on our face. I love to use this one along my t-zone where I do get oily skin, especially living in the humidity of Singapore, and I have redness in that area that I immediately see reduce when I put it on. It truly has helped control my oil! Check out Matcha for yourself HERE!
Kauai – Kauai is a lovely peachy/pink color that conceals the appearance of dark circles while also helping to reduce them over time. So it isn’t just my concealer, but also my eye cream. I having been using this just a couple of weeks and my dark circles are already being reduced! Get yours HERE!
Appenglow – This one is my fav! Appenglow is a gorgeous purple color that I use on my cheeks. It helps to brighten skill that is dull and also help with anti-aging. I also put a touch of this on top of cheekbones through my cheeks after my makeup, which gives my face a beautiful highlight and slight color. From using Appenglow a short time I have noticed a brighter and more even skin tone! Check it out HERE!
They also have TWO more color collectors:
Dew - color corrects and hydrates while helping protect, soothe and reduce the appearance of redness from irritation over time. Learn more HERE!
Marrakech - same purpose + skin benefits as Kauai but for Medium to Deep skin tones. Have a look HERE!
Journ has an awesome online skin quiz that tells you which correctors are best for YOU! You can take the test online HERE to see which are best for YOUR skin type.
I not only love Journ for the reasons listed above but as a traveler they are the perfect size to take on the road with me and the consistency is AMAZING, a little bit goes a long way
Skin Love
Loving and acceptance of our skin is something we all deserve. What your skin has been through tells a story and we should continue that story by allowing our skin to heal, rather than just cover up scars or imperfections. Give your skin the love it deserves by choosing to not hide but rather correct and let it heal naturally. That’s why I highly recommend including Journ correctors into your skincare routine so you can feel confident in continuing to take your skin on a healing journey.
Health, Love & Happiness,