10 Ways To Improve Your Health This Year
It is a new year which means planning new year's resolutions and trying to better ourselves and reach goals. We think your top priority this year should be to work on your health, both physical and mental. We have come up with some top ways below to help you get started.
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Make Better Meal Choices
If you find yourself eating a lot of processed foods then it might be time to start making some better meal choices. Processed foods contain a high amount of sugar, fats and salt as well as additives and colouring which are all harmful to your health. If your diet consists of heavily processed foods then think about reducing your intake. Try and eat more fruit and vegetables throughout your day and use it as an opportunity to learn how to cook your favourite meals from scratch. Eating healthier will make you feel better within yourself and also give you more energy.
Get Active
Once you have changed your eating habits you might find that you have a lot more energy to burn. Set some fitness goals to get moving this year. If you are sitting at a desk all day then it is imperative that you spend some time each day moving your joints and getting your heart rate up. If you are new to exercise then challenges like couch to 5k are a great way to get you started. Once you build up your fitness you could move on to other challenges such as 10k and half marathon events. Being active is not only great for your body but is also a great stress reliever and can help improve your mental health.
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Focus On Your Mental Health
The last year has been difficult for everyone and has affected everyone's mental health. Use this year to recover and work on your mental health. Take time out of your day to focus on you, it is important to address anything that is making you feel stressed, anxious or upset. If you feel like you are struggling then talking to family, friends or even a professional can help immensely. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed in seeking help, everyone is fighting their own battles but you are the only one in control of yours.
Limit Your Screen Time
Staring at screens all day everyday can be bad for your eye health. It causes an unnecessary amount of strain on your eyes and fatigues your brain. It also contributes towards obesity, diabetes and some heart conditions. If you find yourself having to look at a computer for work, think about using a standing desk, this will help blood flow easier throughout your body. Once your work day ends try not to spend the evening watching tv or on your phone. Opt to read instead, this will help ease your desire for entertainment and improve your reading skills at the same time.
Work On Breaking Bad Habits
Make it a resolution to kick all those bad habits. It might be reducing your alcohol intake or quitting smoking, whatever it is, set some goals to make it achievable. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit so make that your first goal and then go from there. Tell your loved ones about what you are trying to achieve as it will help to have some moral support along the way. If you think you have a drink or drug problem then there are many groups that you can reach out to, a quick search online will show you where your nearest group is.
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Correct Your Sleeping Routine
Sleep is a huge part of benefiting your overall health, getting a good night's sleep can help improve anxiety, depression and weight loss. Create a sleeping schedule and stick to it, ensure that you are getting at least 8 hours sleep per night. Over the last year we have found that more people are working from home, if this is also you then make sure your working space is separate from where you sleep.
Stop Ignoring Aches And Pains
It is important to go to the doctors, dentist, eye practitioner or audiologist whenever you feel any sudden aches and pains. It is always a good idea anyway to have a full body check each year with your doctor just to make sure you're in good health. It's good to talk to your doctor about any health conditions you might be perceptible to and if you are planning to have a baby then a talk about your fertility or possible Infertility can help prepare you when you move on to that next stage of life.
Get Outside More
Getting outside in nature releases stress hormones through lowering cortisol. So spend some time outside breathing in the fresh air and taking in the scenery. Make it a family event by grabbing the children and heading out on a winter forest trail.
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A good way to relieve stress is to spend at least 10 minutes a day meditating. This will help slow your mind and bring it back to the present. There are many apps or youtube videos you can use to help you if you are a bit of a novice. We recommend meditation for 10 minutes when you wake up to get you ready for the day and then 10 minutes at the end to recharge your mind and calm you before bed.
Drink More Water
We all know that drinking water has great benefits to our bodies and as we are made up of 60% water so it's not hard to see why. We are recommended to drink an amount of 8 glasses a day. Drinking water has proven to help towards weight loss, improving your skin, lubricating your joints, and improving kidney function. Set up reminders on your phone to help you stay on track.
We hope these tips will help you have a stress free and healthy year ahead. For more health tips check out our tips for 5 Easy Back Exercises You Can Do at Home.
by Contributing Author