Awesome Tips For a Great Morning Routine
I cannot be the only one who loves reading about people's morning routines. I have discovered some of my favorite YouTubers from searching for morning routines. I know everyone's time in the morning is not the same.
Everyone has their own morning routine. When I had to commute to New York City from Northern New Jersey, my morning routine looked one way. Then, my commute went from 1.5 hours one way to 12 minutes. That morning routine looked drastically different. Now working from home in a new career path a new morning routine has come about.
Even though I have a solid morning routine groove right now, I am still sucked into any blog post or YouTube video where someone shares their morning or nighttime routine. I find both so fascinating.
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Now, here are ten things I do each morning that sets the tone for the day. I hope you’ll enjoy these tips and potentially implement these to your daily routine.
Open my blind
As soon as I get out of bed I open up my blinds. It allows daylight in and makes me feel like I’m embracing a new day. Even if it is a gloomy and rainy day outside, I love this step since I get to look outside to nature first thing in the morning.
Drink 16 ounces of water
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This has been a great way for my body to wake up. It is a great kickstart for your digestion, skin, and I even feel like it helps my mind wake up. I am not aware of any scientific facts about it helping your brain, but I can speak to an alert effect happening. It does help you digestion getting water first thing in the morning before food or caffeine. Also, your skin will love you for this! It has not been given water for eight-plus hours, hydration is your skins best friend.
Make the bed
I cannot make it through my morning without making my bed. It helps make my room look cleaner and give me something to accomplish first thing in the morning. There have been books written about this and many speeches about the importance of making your bed first thing in the morning. I remember hearing how in the army this is the first task each person is to accomplish. That way no matter how the day goes and if you’re feeling discouraged or as if you haven’t accomplished something, you return back to your room and your bed is made. This is where you finish your day so it instantly can be a reminder that you did accomplish something that day.
Get dressed
For me I work out in the morning, if you’re going to work you might get dressed different but I get changed into workout clothes and accomplish the next step!
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Walk and stretch
Walks are so important to my day. I use this time to get my body going for the day. It doesn’t have to be an hour, I like doing at least 30 minutes. At that time, I can walk 2-3 miles in my hilly neighborhood. After I stretch or go into a more intense workout depending on the day. If you are looking to add walking or running to your morning, beginning with time. Set a budget of time for you to move rather than distance. It will make it not seem so daunting and over time you’ll see you can potentially walk/run further and faster.
Oil pulling and Quiet time
Oil pulling is what it is known for, but I also just consider this my mouth wash. If you combine coconut oil and peppermint oil and swish around your mouth for fifteen to twenty minutes, your teeth will be so clean! It also helps naturally clean your teeth from any stains. Some people say their teeth feel sensitive afterward. I haven’t experienced that so be mindful for the first time try it for only five minutes to see how your teeth feel afterward. If no sensitivity, slowly add more time. Also do not spit this down your sink, the coconut oil with harden and it can lead to drainage issues.
Quiet time can look differently per person. For me, I journal, pray, and read scripture verses. During this, I use a guide to study the scriptures better. If you do not, you might meditate using an app like Calm or something like that. Another option can be writing in a gratitude journal. Starting your day with saying what you’re thankful for helps to start my day with positive thoughts.
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Make a smoothie
My morning smoothie is my favorite go-to breakfast. I use frozen fruit so I feel like I’m almost having a milkshake first thing in the morning. However, it is filled with fruit, veggies, and superfoods that I know help aid my body to conquer the day. I use Ur Healthnut smoothie guide to get the measurements right and know I am having a balanced smoothie.
Make coffee
I used to be a tea person over coffee, but iced latte with almond milk has won my heart. I got the Bialetti Stove Top Espresso maker which is perfect for me. I add ice and almost milk and it is all set!
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Water with lemon and chia seeds
I’m all about the liquids in the morning if you couldn’t tell! Lemon water with chia seeds is great for your gut, skin, and immune system. Drink this with a straw and you’ll see improvements to your skin over time. Also, with drinking water after the coffee, you’ll help hydrate your body after dehydrating it. Since most people can confuse their body signal for being hungry when they’re actually thirsty, drinking more water will help you be mindful of your body is properly hydrated and not overeating.
Put on diffuser
Now I work at home so I have a diffuser I can use, and I’ll be jumping on work now. If you have a commute maybe you can use a diffuser at your office, maybe not. But I put on either peppermint or eucalyptus since both are great scents but also help with concentration. If you are feeling a cold coming on, add lemon and it will help purify and clear the air.
Now that you have a relaxing and clear space to work, go tackle the day ahead! I hope you’re able to apply some of these things to your morning routine. If you do, DM on Instagram @rebeccanoelle.explorewithme. I hope you have a great rest of your day!
by Rebecca Noelle
About Rebecca:
My name is Rebecca Noelle. I am based in Northern New Jersey, just outside of New York City. I am a travel blogger who loves going on adventure trips throughout the United States and Canada. Living outside of New York City I also give local day trips and adventures to take in the Greater NYC area. I offer Pinterest Management and blog writing services. I hope you’ve found this blog spots helpful!
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