3 Holistic Tips for Boosting Your Everyday Motivation and Enthusiasm
When people think of good holistic health practices, they will often focus on things like being free from disease, adhering to certain exercise and nutrition regimens, and maybe also following certain spiritual practices, such as regular meditation.
While all that is, obviously, very important – it’s also the case that many of the strongest components of your overall “health” and sense of well-being are a bit harder to pin down.
Your levels of everyday motivation and enthusiasm, for example, will have a dramatic effect on how you feel and what you are able to achieve, too. Additionally, a more positive stance towards things in life, as a whole, also makes you physically healthier, and can even make you live longer.
So, here are some holistic tips for boosting everyday motivation and enthusiasm.
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Practice good posture, and take pride in your style and presentation
One of the easiest and quickest ways of boosting your everyday motivation and enthusiasm, is to begin practicing confident posture on a regular basis, while also taking pride in your style and presentation.
The way we stand (or even sit) can change our hormone levels significantly, and can rapidly affect how energetic and motivated we feel.
At the same time, taking pride in the way you style and present yourself – whether that means buying a pair of John Lennon glasses and a collection of cardigans, or a pair of aviators and a leather jacket – reinforces a positive story about yourself, to yourself.
For some people – particularly for those who consider themselves quite spiritual – it might seem shallow to pay this kind of level of attention to things like appearance. Just be aware, though, that in changing how you present yourself, you affect your experience of life on a variety of different levels.
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Don’t underestimate the benefits of calm
Very often, what steals people’s motivation and enthusiasm is chronic stress and anxiety – the kind of state of being that can make any proactive action seem unbearably daunting, and that can mean that even the most relatively minor of challenges can lead to complete burnout.
All told, one of the best ways of maintaining motivation and enthusiasm is to heed the benefits of calm, and to find (and practice) regular techniques for calming yourself down.
That might mean switching to matcha green tea instead of coffee, as tea contains the calming amino acid L-Theanine, which reduces the anxiety-boosting effects of caffeine. Or, it might mean trying CBD oil. Or, it might mean having regular Epsom salt baths, and reading a book before bed each night.
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Always have motivating goals to strive towards
It’s generally difficult to maintain motivation and enthusiasm if you don’t have clear targets to move towards in your everyday life, that can add a bit of structure, and a clear sense of purpose to your days.
Simply setting yourself motivating goals to strive towards, and ensuring that you always have at least one to work on, can be an excellent way of increasing the amount of motivation and enthusiasm you experience in life, as a whole.
Just keep in mind that these goals have to be things that you actually feel emotionally invested in, as opposed to just things that you feel like you “probably should” do.
by Contributing Author