The Simple Health Care Checks That You Can Do At Home
In a perfect world, we would all have access to an affordable primary care system with a doctor, as our first point of contact and a range of independent specialists and hospitals providing the very best treatment if we need it. Unfortunately, in many countries, the healthcare system falls short. There is often a lack of first contact care, poor aftercare, or that treatment is simply too expensive for people to access.
Whatever the healthcare system in your country is like, there is a lot that you can do at home to monitor your health and keep on top of anything that crops up. These simple checks can help you to keep track of your health, monitor any ongoing conditions, and check symptoms. In this article, we explore just a few of them.
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1. Take your temperature
For a normal, healthy adult, the normal body temperature should be around 37° C (98.6° F), but this may vary according to age, time of day and which part of the body you are taking the temperature from. If it is significantly lower or higher than this, it may mean that your body is trying to fight an illness or infection. Check it when you are in good health, so you know what is normal for you and purchase a good thermometer for the most accurate reading.
2. Testicular checks
This is a vital check that all men should carry out regularly. It helps them to discover any swelling or lump that could be an indication of cancer. Encourage the men in your life to check their testicles after a warm shower or bath and to consult a doctor at CBD Medical as soon as possible if they feel an unusual lump or swelling or sharp pain.
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3. Breast checks
Just like men, there are some checks that women should regularly be doing. It is important that you are familiar with how your breasts feel and look at the various points of your menstrual cycle, as they can change. Thankfully, most changes are not anything to worry about, but it is important to look out for changes in the shape of your breasts, for lumps and thickening and changes to the nipple or the skin as these could be an indication of cancer. Again, it is best to see a doctor as soon as possible if you notice any of these.
4. Heart rate
Your heart rate first thing in the morning while you are resting is an indication of your general wellness. This can vary depending on your age and fitness levels, so check every morning for a week to learn your usual pulse rate. A change of 10 beats per minute or more may mean you are run down. Above 100 bpm could mean you are stressed, dehydrated, excited, or sick.
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5. Blood pressure
High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attacks, heart failure, strokes, and kidney disease. There are often no warning symptoms, so checking your blood pressure regularly is essential.
If your blood pressure is high, you can take measures to reduce it by cutting salt and alcohol intake, eating healthily and exercising but you should also seek medical advice if it is consistently high.
by Contributing Author