The Freedom of a Work Life Balance
Finding freedom in your working life is tough and it’s the reason why many people choose to work remotely, either by becoming freelance or through an agreement with their company. But there are times in our lives, even when we’re in charge of our hours, that the stresses and strains of work begin to take their toll and a radical overhaul of our work-life balance is needed.
In this blog, we’re taking a look at your working health. Possibly somewhere you spend a lot of time and somewhere that can at times be both immensely satisfying and immensely stressful. Take a look at some of the signs you need to redress the balance with this blog.
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Dealing With Anxiety
We start with this section because it’s so crucial in maintaining your overall health and sense of wellbeing. Any sign of things not being “quite right” in how you’re feeling is worth keeping an eye on. Our moods and feelings come and go but if there’s a persistent sense of anxiety or a looming feeling of sadness or a weight in your life then it’s well worth sitting down and going through a mental health checklist with yourself or by talking to a trusted friend or family.
If you’re beginning to feel anxious about work and find that anxiety spreading into other areas of your life then you might also be experiencing the following symptoms: paranoia, a sense that no one is on your side or that people are laughing at you, anger that you are feeling the way you do and a deep desire to shut down and hideaway in order to protect yourself. This might lead to a loss of productivity at work and affect your overall performance, whether a truck driver or personal injury attorney.
Often, anxiety doesn’t have a particular root cause it just comes about through overloading yourself at work and feeling stressed by your workload. Perhaps there are a number of things going on in your personal life too and that combination has proved to be too much for your brain to cope with and it’s looking for a place to hide.
The very best thing you can do for yourself is to seek the help of a professional. Start with your doctor and then think about seeing a cognitive-behavioral therapist who might be able to help you redirect your anxious thoughts towards a more positive way of thinking. They may also be able to recommend stress-relieving products. CBD oils tend to be helpful and full-spectrum is different from other products on the market - it could work for you!
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Help Yourself
For yourself, you might also want to step back from some of the work that’s becoming too much for you to cope with. Talk to your boss, or if you’re a freelancer enforce some downtime for yourself that gives you room to breathe, take some exercise and otherwise just be still.
You are your own best employee so take care of that employee as you would anyone else. Put boundaries in for yourself that you obey and that provides you with the rest and downtime you need to do your job better.
by Contributing Author