How to Be More Self Sufficient With Your Health
There is no one that would say that having high self-esteem is something that is beneficial. In fact, there have been many things that have shown that people with lower self-esteem are much more likely to suffer from psychological difficulties and do tend to struggle a little more through life. We all can see how having higher self-esteem can generally mean greater psychological health. However, this is something that only applies to self-esteem when it is secure self-esteem, and doesn’t depend on having reassurance from others. If self-esteem is insecure, then it means it is more fragile and more easily threatened, which can lead to problems with physical and mental health.
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So with that in mind, it shows that there is something else that needs to be considered, and that is self-sufficiency. You might not have thought about it when it comes to your health, and only seen it on a more practical level, like growing your own food. But you can be more secure with your health, when you learn to be more self-sufficient. There are sites like that can help you to be more self-sufficient with your health on practical level, as you can order the things that you need. But here are some things to help you be more self-sufficient, especially when it comes to your mental health and self-esteem.
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Stop Asking for Permission
If you want to be more self-sufficient and have more control, then why are you giving the control over to others? You have what is needed to make choices for yourself; you don’t need to ask someone else if you can or can’t. Being emotionally strong means that you know what the right decisions to make are, and that you are not afraid to make them. The last thing that you want to do when you are striving for emotional or intellectual independence is to start asking what others think. You can risk losing the power and control when you do so. Plus, often when you are seeking someone’s permission, you already know the answer, you just want it to be confirmed. Be bold and confident in your choices.
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Be Comfortable with independence
As you get older, you might start to go through some tough obstacles that can make you a much stronger and more independent. But there are some times in life where you can have that independence taken away, such as getting out of relationships, for example. In that kind of instance, don’t just immediately look for someone else to depend on or fill that void. Learn to do things by yourself and it will make you much happier, whatever happens, or doesn’t happen, next. Psychologists like Dr. Nicole Martinez, found here:, say that you should do things like developing a hobby can be a good way to learn to be comfortable with the time that you have to yourself. Good self-care habits are a must too, and they can include sleeping well, eating well, and taking time to yourself.
by contributing author