How to be Happier in 2020
Being happy can mean different things to different people. But with a new decade to embrace and start, it brings with it the chance to change and the chance to embrace new things. There can be some obstacles that come along with wanting to be happier, but it is still something that many of us do want. The gap between the desire for happiness, or greater happiness, and then finding it, has been something to cause some frustration over the years. Still, from the research in this field, it leads us to knowing some fundamental truths around happiness and its sources. So with that in mind, here are some essential ingredients of happiness. Then you can start the new year and the new decade with a positive mindset to get you to where you want to be.
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Stay positive
Optimism is all about accentuating the positive, and then removing the negative. It has always been related to having some high levels of happiness, with the old adage of seeing something as half-full, rather than half-empty. Having a positive attitude, even when life is hard, is something that will see you through and keep you going.
Find purpose
A good reason to get up each morning is something that can go a long way, especially during your darker days. Having a purpose gives you a sense of direction, it can help you to set and achieve goals, and it can help you to take pride in what you do in life.
Like with thinking positive and being optimistic, having a smile on your face can help you to be happier and more positive. It is hard to be angry or want to shout when you are smiling! If you are conscious of your smile, then you could always look into cosmetic dentistry to make changes as we start the new year off. But finding reasons to smile, and just making sure that you make yourself smile more, can be something that can go a long way to helping you to feel good.
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Reside in the present
If possible, it is best to live in the moment as much as you can. We can all have regrets and worries, but living in the past isn’t going to do anyone any good. Likewise, worrying about the future won’t help either. Today and what you are doing in the moment is going to be much more valuable to what happened yesterday or what will happen tomorrow, because it is right now. Live in the moment and you are much more likely to be happy than those people that think about their regrets and what could have been or what might be.
Appreciate what you have
Being grateful and appreciative for what you have is one way to chase away any scourges of unhappiness that might come along. You can feel envy or even disappointment with things, but then if you focus on what you do have instead, it will flip that thinking on its head. They say that comparison is the thief of joy, and it can take away happiness for you, if you’re not able to appreciate what you have, or motivate yourself for change.
by Contributing Author