Celebrating A Loved One's Life With Travel
If someone that you love and know dearly has passed away, then you are likely to spend some time thinking about how you can keep their memory alive. If you’re also a lover of travel and you shared that love with them, then you might be thinking about how to express your love of them using that love of travel. Here are a few ways that you might be able to do just that.
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Keep them with you on your travels
We all have the idea of a bucket list, of places that we would all like to see before we die. It might feel a little morbid to think about under the circumstances, but taking the time to live your loved one’s bucket list, as far as travel goes, can help keep them with you for a lot longer. You can take a journal and write down your experiences of the things that they wanted to experience. You can even share them in the form of a letter to that loved one
Leave a little of them there
You may have talked to your fellow travel lover about places that they might have wanted to go to, but perhaps they never got the opportunity to. You can feel a lot closer to them when you visit a destination that they, too, wanted to go but you can also help them get there, in one way or another. You might not be able to arrange a burial in their favorite destination, of course, but you can take photos for headstones and place them somewhere that might have had importance to them. You may be able to ask local parks or graveyards if you can leave a little memorial with them, for instance.
Do good in their name
You can do more than simply celebrate their life or memorialize a loved one. You can also make sure that you’re doing something that would have been important to them. If, like a lot of people, they cared about ethical travel, then you can follow in their footsteps, visiting a location that was important to them and doing your part to help keep it as well-supported and well-maintained as possible. You might even consider arranging a volunteering trip in their name and in their honor.
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Memorial travel
One of the trends that have actually become more common lately is to take a trip that is based entirely around remembering and celebrating the lives of people that you have had to say goodbye to. Commemorative travel looks at locations that have spiritual or cultural significance as a way of saying your farewells. Planning a trip to one of these locations with real importance can help you say goodbye in a way that better suits your means.
You don’t need to celebrate a loved one’s life in any way that is related to travel, necessarily. However, if it is a passion that you shared, then it can be a great way to keep them with you
by Contributing Author